
OBENTO BOX is a service that delivers five yet-to-be-found Japanese 70s-90s KAYOKYOKU records from Japan along with a wonderful experience.

If you read to the end, we have a special gift for you.
I wish you could see the whole thing!


Exciting, Let's unbox it.

1. Enjoy "whole" Japanese culture

OBENTO BOX was inspired by Japanese bento boxes. When you open the lid, you will find 5 Japanese incense sticks that look like chopsticks and 5 records that is "gohan" (rice).

OBENTOBOX is not only for enjoying music.

2. KAISHU's selection, no duplicates.

We at KAISHU, as Kayokyoku professionals, choose 5 records that are not yet known but very cool.
Collectors can also rest assured that no matter how many times you purchase, we will send you another records so that there are no duplicates! The selection is balanced in the OBENTO BOX and completely random in the OBENTO PACK.

3. You don't need to look it up.

It is hard to find out about old Japanese artists in Japanese. But don't worry!
We have an "Obi" instruction paper with information about the artist, compiled from our unique perspective, tucked into every record.

This will make it easy to see who is playing that wonderful song, and your musical experience will be better!

We were born in Japan and grew up with Japanese music.
We create this Obi from a uniquely Japanese perspective.

4. You can also enjoy it on the go.

You can't carry records with you, can you?
For those of you who want to listen to Kayokyoku on the outside, we have included a Spotify QR code on the back of the "Obi" instruction paper!

Read it with your mobile device and your outing will be many times more enjoyable!

I also love Kayokyoku, which I listen to outsclasse.

5. Reliable Japanese Quality

OBENTO BOX ships used vinyl records directly from Japan, and you may be worried about its quality.
Leave it to us.
We double-check our vinyl records visually. We always listen to any scratched vinyl records and thoroughly check to make sure they can be enjoyed without any problems.

Enjoy with Japanese incense!

We at KAISHU VINYL do not just want to send you Japanese Kayokyoku!
It includes 5 sticks of incense and stickers for you to enjoy while listening to each record!

Why does KAISHU VINYL include incense?

The key word for this reason is the 'Proust effect'. The Proust effect is the recall of memories and emotions when you smell a fragrance. The sense of smell is the only special sense among the five senses that is directly connected to the limbic system, which is responsible for instinctive behaviour and emotions such as pleasure, anger and sorrow. For this reason, smell is said to have a stronger effect on emotions, instincts, and memory than the other five senses.

First time only coupon!

If you've read this far, we have the following coupon code for you.
Enter this coupon code when you purchase the OBENTO BOX, OBENTO PACK and you will receive one additional EP record or Single record as a special one-time offer.
Also, if you continue to purchase, we will add one EP or Single record every three times in the same way without entering a coupon!

Coupon Code

Which one would you choose?

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Box in Box Simple Packaging Simple Packaging
×5 ×5 ×5
Record Check Record Check Record Check
Artist Description
and QR Code Obi
Artist Description
and QR Code Obi
Japanese Incense